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Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Find yourself in the woods
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
How Tea Can Improve Your Mental Health
Eastern countries devised some beautiful rituals around tea. These were about more than just drinking tea. They were about bonding,...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Find the crack and let the light in
A few gentle wisps of sunshine, thru a crack in the monsoon clouds. #healinghideaway #ketti #counselling #nilgiris #thambatti...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Shed wilted relationships. Make way for meaningful ones.
Many relationships are transient in our lives. They have a shelf life, there for a certain time, but always with a purpose, even though...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Pause. Find your inner stillness.
#meditation #mindfulness #guidedmeditation #reflection #retreats #spiritualretreats #top10spiritualretreats #counselling #lifecoaching...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Give your mind the same respect that you give your body
If we can talk openly about our flu, arthritis, obesity, even our cancer, then why can we not talk openly about our mental health? Why do...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
5 min read
9 Reasons Why We Cheat
Why do we cheat on our partners, often when we still love them? We don’t cheat simply because we are 'made that way', or brought up with...
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