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Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
8 min read
There's only one shortcut to God. It's through music!
Ever since the beginning of time, people from all corners of the earth have prayed, , had their own unique sacred symbols, rituals and...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
Simple Mindfulness Exercise to Control Negative Thoughts
We live in a Thought Universe. Thoughts make things. They determine how we create our reality and how we experience life. That’s why ten...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
Lessons in Happiness : Cultivate Vitality, Humour, Curiosity and Grace
Everyone seems to be scrambling to crack the Happiness Code. It is after all, the one thing every human being desires. Once you your...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Workshop on Mental Fitness, Emotional Hygiene and Mindfulness for CSI College of Engineering
There's a learning for me in every workshop I conduct. This one reinforced how fragile our young adults are, and we urgently need to...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
8 min read
How To Let Go Of Unhealthy Relationships and Cut Cords
Cutting Energy Cords is a two-part procedure. The first part involves introspection. And the other, de-cording. The reason you start with...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
5 min read
Energy Cords & How They Impact You
Cording is the sharing of energy between two individuals who have had a strong emotional or physical connection. Two people who are...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
4 min read
Meditation Postures Made Easy
Although you can meditate in almost any posture, there is an ideal posture to achieve best results. As meditation is a practice that is...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
4 min read
5 Ways NLP Can Boost Teacher and Student Performance
Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is a powerful tool for educators who wish to upgrade, strengthen and deepen their skills and...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Interactive lectures on mental health, with IE University, Spain
2016 has been about many fulfilling connections -- workshops, talks, lectures, and a wide range of energizing engagements on mental...
Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
What is Depression?
Do you just have the blues, or are you depressed? Many of my clients tell me that they did not know for a long time that they were...
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