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Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
Post pandemic, our priorities have changed. Earlier, people travelled to get a break from work stresses. Now they want a break from being ho

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Life during the pandemic: Memories, dreams and hope
if you’re suffering from the lockdown blues, rummage through all your happy memories. Know that the world WILL get back on track.

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
India's suicide rate hits an all-time high
Suicide is not something that weak people commit or contemplate. It is what even a strong person in a weak moment can do. We all need to be

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
3 min read
Everyone is pretty revved up about women supporting women, so I figured it’s probably a good time to share a few thoughts about what this id

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
"Real Men" are not afraid to talk about their mental health
The MALE MIND Collective is a group of really bright men of all ages who have formed a Collective where they get together (virtually these d

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Reprogramming the mind to deal with stress and depression
Bindiya addresses a range of very relevant mental health concerns like stress, depression, anxiety, the emotional impact of the lockdown, an

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Lockdown lessons from astronauts
Astronauts have to endure many months if isolation in space stations. They live in tight spaces, with no luxuries and can’t go for walks or

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
How to manage stress, anxiety & depression in the times of COVID-19
Social media feeds have become yummilcious with pics of delicious food of all sorts being whipped up by seasoned home chefs, first-time chef

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
How to manage stress, anxiety & depression in the times of COVID-19
Find a passion project or a hobby. It's proven to be good for your mental health. And no, watching Netflix is not a hobby, it's pass-time an

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
How to manage stress, anxiety and depression in the times of Covid-19
It's very easy to get consumed by fear and over information, feelings of loneliness, frustration, boredom, helplessness and hopelessness. It

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
How to manage stress, anxiety and depression in the time of Covid-19
It's very easy to get consumed by fear and over information, feelings of loneliness, frustration, boredom, helplessness and hopelessness. It

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Mindful moments in daily life
Not every moment of every day is perfect, peaceful or extraordinary. But we can carve out tiny boxes of time that are quiet, and only...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
The Lethal Loneliness Epidemic
Connectivity can not replace community. Communication is not the same as connection. So here we are, connected 24/7, with hundreds of social

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
Emotional Hygiene, Stress Management and Mindfulness for Teachers
Teaching has become an extremely high-stress profession, especially over the past 15 years. There is ample research that proves that...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Helping with healthcare in the upper Himalayas
Images of the snow peaked upper Himalayas are magnificent, awe inspiring and incredibly romantic. But the reality of living thousands of...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Why we can't see the beauty of this world
The more often we see the things around us - even the beautiful and wonderful things, the more they become invisible to us. That's why we...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
2 min read
How Tea Can Improve Your Mental Health
Eastern countries devised some beautiful rituals around tea. These were about more than just drinking tea. They were about bonding,...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Start a new journey
Life is a journey, and we don't always chose the people with whom we travel that journey. But the path always begins beneath our feet,...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Find the crack and let the light in
A few gentle wisps of sunshine, thru a crack in the monsoon clouds. #healinghideaway #ketti #counselling #nilgiris #thambatti...

Life Coach Bindiya Murgai
1 min read
Shed wilted relationships. Make way for meaningful ones.
Many relationships are transient in our lives. They have a shelf life, there for a certain time, but always with a purpose, even though...
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